Lawyer Roberto Coen was born in Rome on 04/21/1956 and graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University La Sapienza of Rome on 03/20/1981.
After a month he obtained the qualification to practice law at the Court of Rome and after the internship period carried out at the firm founded by his grandfather, Lawyer Aldo Fuà, he became a Lawyer in 1985.
Since 1997 he has provided assistance at the Supreme Court of Cassation.
He practices law in Rome where he founded his own law firm, which is now projected towards the fourth generation of lawyers.
He mainly deals with civil law, with a preference for the areas of real estate law and leases, as well as for the areas of family law and minors, inheritance, civil liability, credit protection, enforcement procedures and contracts, labor law and accident law.
Since the beginning of his career, he has received multiple assignments and appointments as Bankruptcy Trustee from the Bankruptcy Section of the Court of Rome.
He has received assignments from leading Insurance Companies, Local Health Authorities, Joint Stock Companies with a presence throughout Italy, also in consideration of the network of collaborators and correspondents in all the provinces of Italy, as well as from private individuals and small and medium-sized companies.
He was for years a member of the Commission for the study of National Legislation established by the Council of the Order of Lawyers of Rome.
Since 2017 he has been a member of the ABF (Arbitro Bancario Finanziario) and deals with the out-of-court resolution of disputes between customers and banks or other financial intermediaries.
Thanks to a deliberately streamlined organization, the personal aspect of the client-professional relationship is privileged, which guarantees relationships of strict trust, immediacy of performance, clarity and confidentiality, according to the style that characterizes the professional activity of the owner of the firm and his collaborators.
The "Senior Partner" is Prof. Dr. Claudio Coen born in Rome on 29 April 1952.
He was qualified to practice as a Chartered Accountant in March 1978. He is a Statutory Auditor with Ministerial Decree 12/4/85.
He is qualified to teach Commercial and Business Technical Disciplines. Competition Classes XXIII, with provision of the Ministry of Public Education dated 29 May 1987, Ministerial Decree 4 September 1982.
In the years 1979 - 1983 he worked as an auditor acquiring the title of "senior" at the auditing and certification company "Arthur Young", subsequently he was hired by the company KPMG for tax consultancy and determination of tax funds of primary Italian and foreign companies.
The professional activity continued in the field of training by teaching accounting and techniques for the preparation of financial statements.
In the years 1985 - 1990 he received professional assignments from the Court of Rome as Bankruptcy Trustee, Court Expert, Technical Consultancy for the parties and judicial for divisions of family assets, activities of Liquidator of inert limited liability companies and consultancy for the determination and evaluation of commercial start-ups.
Given the experience acquired in the field of legal auditing and certification of financial statements, Prof. Dr. Claudio Coen has been and is currently an effective member of some Boards of Auditors of private and public companies.
Among the positions he has held, we can mention those of Acting Mayor at some companies of the "Poste Italiane Group", "Finmeccanica Group", "Acea Group", "Invitalia Group", the Israelitic Hospital, the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, Nursing Homes, Construction Companies, Leading Companies in the field of musical and theatrical entertainment, and other medium and large sized companies.
He carries out his activity through his own professional firm with six collaborators, dedicating himself/herself mainly to accounting and tax assistance, business and organizational consultancy, to private individuals, companies and institutions.
He deals with international consultancy for foreign clients operating in Italy with particular reference to the clothing and agricultural sectors.

Federica COEN
Emanuela GANDINI
Chartered Accountant
Chartered Accountant

Vanessa D'Agostino
Alessandra DOLCE
Expert in management control
Labour consultant