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Consulting and assistance, in and out of court, in the field of commercial contracts and related issues, with particular reference to forced performance, resolution and compensation for damages, transfers, takeovers and leasing of franchising companies and more;

Consultancy and assistance, both judicial and extrajudicial, in matters of unfair competition and compensation for damages;

Consulting and assistance activities, judicial and extrajudicial, in the field of debt collection in the interest of commercial companies and credit institutions of primary importance throughout the national territory, both towards private individuals and public bodies, with twenty years of experience, also in the sector of consumer credit collection and financing provided by both banks and financial intermediaries, leasing and factoring;

Consultancy and assistance activities, both judicial and extrajudicial, in matters of land mortgages and agricultural law;

Assistance in the incorporation of new companies and in the drafting of bylaws;

Legal, extrajudicial and arbitration consultancy and assistance activities in matters of disputes between companies and between partners and companies:

Consultancy and assistance, both judicial and extrajudicial, in matters of acquisition and transfer, merger, division and liquidation of companies;

Legal and extrajudicial assistance in the field of agency contracts.


The firm of Prof. Dr. Claudio Coen deals with tax consultancy relating to the direct and indirect taxation of natural and legal persons, both resident companies and "Branches" or Permanent Organizations that have their headquarters in Italy. The tax consultancy activity is carried out through the preparation and care of all tax obligations (forms 740-750-760-770, VAT declarations, VAT communications, Irap models, sector studies), with the consequent electronic submissions, the registration of contracts prepared by the Firm or by third parties. The Firm carries out tax litigation activities at the Provincial and Regional Tax Commissions following assessments or checks by the Financial Administration. Naturally, the Firm assists the Client at the various offices of the Revenue Directorate both in the adversarial phase and in the phase preceding the assessment in order to protect the Client's interests.


Consultancy and assistance, in and out of court, in matters of subordinate and self-employed work, CCNL, professional classification and redetermination of salary items, dismissals and terminations, disciplinary sanctions, union disputes, accidents, temporary and permanent disabilities;

Consultancy and assistance activities, both judicial and extrajudicial, in matters of insurance and social security benefits and allowances;

Consultancy and assistance, both judicial and extrajudicial, in disputes concerning compensation for damages in the field of labor and social security regulations.


Coen & Associati offers clients who require an Organization Model pursuant to and for the purposes of Law 231 of 2001 and subsequent amendments, the necessary consultancy for the mapping of risks and organizational structures, through a careful system of analysis and evaluation of business flows and processes in particularly relevant sectors. The activity also takes into account the study of the workforce and the potential of human resources.
Finally, all the procedures necessary to avoid the crimes provided for by the law will be applied.
Prof. Dr. Claudio Coen has also acquired direct experience as President of the Supervisory Body of some client companies, as well as collaborating, as a member of the Boards of Auditors of some leading national companies, with the relevant Supervisory Bodies.


Assistance in the drafting and editing of industrial, commercial, residential and loan for use rental agreements;

Assistance in the drafting and editing of preliminary and sales contracts;

Consulting and assistance activities, particularly in the judicial field, in relation to licenses for lease termination, evictions for lease termination or for non-payment;

Consulting and assistance activities, both judicial and extrajudicial, in order to protect property and possession;

Consultancy and assistance, both judicial and extrajudicial, in matters of condominium disputes;


The Firm has acquired particular specific skills in the field of Management Control of small and medium-sized companies, also thanks to the experience acquired by the owner at Auditing Companies in the years 1985 - 1990.
In particular, the activity carried out is the preparation of "due diligence", review of particular areas of the balance sheet or its entirety, financial and fiscal planning, preparation of administrative systems, preparation of budgets, evaluation and determination of the cost of the product, preparation of "cash flow", cost analysis also through "benchmarking", preparation and start-up of analytical or order accounting.
Advice on determining the value of a company or the acquisition of company shares or stock.


Consulting and assistance activities, judicial and extrajudicial, in matters of personal rights, separations and divorces, modification of their conditions.

Consulting activities for the protection of children and parental rights, with particular attention to recent innovations in shared custody.

Assistance activities, judicial and extrajudicial, in matters of adoptions of minors and adults. International adoptions;

Corrections and formation of omitted documents such as birth or marriage certificates; objections to correction; recognition of paternity.

Assistance and consultancy in inheritance matters, including acceptance with benefit of inventory, authorization to sell assets of inheritance accepted with benefit of inventory, affixing and removing seals on the inheritance, renunciation of inheritance, disputes between heirs and inheritance divisions, challenges to testamentary successions, drafting of wills.

Legal and extrajudicial assistance in matters of interdiction, incapacity and appointment of a support administrator.


The firm has acquired considerable civil and fiscal experience in the field of "real estate".
In particular, in addition to the accounting of real estate companies, the activity is carried out in the legal-fiscal field for the drafting of compromises and notarial assistance for the acquisition of real estate.
It provides assistance and consultancy to credit institutions, financial companies, leasing companies for obtaining financing, mortgages or renegotiating the same.
Valuation and acquisition of shares or entire real estate companies, tax planning and consultancy in the real estate field, unfortunately subject to continuous updates of direct and indirect taxes.
Preparation of feasibility studies, business plans and information prospectuses, for real estate, commercial and operational planning of new business initiatives.


Consulting and assistance activities, both judicial and extrajudicial, in matters of compensation for damages arising from medical liability;

Consulting and assistance activities, both judicial and extrajudicial, in matters of compensation for damages in the event of personal injuries caused by road accidents;

Consultancy and assistance, both judicial and extrajudicial, in matters of civil liability in general.


The administrative accounting consultancy activity is carried out through the maintenance of accounting, social and fiscal books of small and medium-sized enterprises.

The firm carries out its activity through an accounting processing service operated by Marketing Consulting srl, also based in Via Germanico 216, of which Prof. Dott. Claudio Coen is the legal representative and the main shareholder.
The tasks are carried out, if the Clients intend to delegate our Firm entirely, directly at our office with the updating of the accounts arriving at the formation of the financial statements or through consultancy at the Client companies for the training of the staff, the updating of the tax legislation, the consultancy and formation of the financial statements.
In this case, the accounting and administrative consultancy activity is carried out directly at the Clients' premises, supporting the staff in all the obligations required by civil and fiscal legislation.
The skills acquired are in the field of splits, mergers and acquisitions of companies or businesses.


Consulting and assistance activities, both judicial and extrajudicial, for entrepreneurs or companies in situations of insolvency and/or subject to bankruptcy proceedings;

Assistance in requests for composition with creditors, both out-of-court and preventive and bankruptcy;

Consulting and assistance activities, both judicial and extrajudicial, in the protection of credits in bankruptcy proceedings;

Assistance and defense activities in the field of revocation actions and opposition to bankruptcy declaration sentences.


Consulting and assistance for the acquisition of Italian citizenship for descendants of: A) Italian citizens who emigrated abroad (e.g. Argentina, Israel, etc.); B) Italian citizens of former colonies (e.g. Libya, Rhodes); C) those who have suffered an unjust revocation of Italian citizenship.



Consumer consultancy and assistance activities, judicial and extrajudicial also before the ABF

The law firm deals with all issues related to telematic fraud; fraudulent use of credit and debit cards; applications of usurious interest rates in CRIF and SIC; any other dispute concerning the relationship between consumers and banking and financial intermediaries, including through the instrument of banking mediation.

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